Authentic Chanel CC locks have a flat edge finish. Replica Chanel CC locks usually have a rounded finish on the CC. Replica locks generally feature minor mistakes such as the shape of the Cs, the placement of additional metal above the lock, and even the style of the interlocking Cs. The CC lock can feature either raised or flat finishes with the right C overlapping the left C at the top and the left C overlapping the right C at the bottom. Chanel makes bags with both styles of locks so if your back features the rectangular lock it may still be authentic. The original 2.55 lock is rectangular without any logo or Chanel stamping. One of the most famous and recognizable features on Chanel bags is the CC lock.But there are one or two exceptions on limited pieces. This rule is for handbags only and does not necessarily apply to other items in the Chanel line. The right C should always overlap the left C at the top and the left C should always overlap the bottom of the right.

The Chanel logo is comprised of two interlocking "C" letters that face away from each other.

What you can do before (and also after just to be sure) the purchase.

After you are satisfied with the pictures and the answers from the seller, there are 2 additional things you can do after the purchase, to be absolutely sure about the authenticity of the bag. You can ask anything you want through the “comment” section on the product page. There are many things you can check simply by asking the seller to add more pictures with better quality about the specific parts of the bag you are interested in. And there are so many things you can do even before purchasing the bag. We made a thorough internet-wide search and collected some tips, how you, as a buyer can check, if the Chanel handbag you are interested in, is an authentic Chanel or not. Here at we are truly dedicated to root out all the counterfeit items.