So that's under Trackpad and then More Gestures and you can see here Swipe between full-screen apps. But you have to look in System Preferences to make sure you have that enabled. On a Trackpad the default shortcut is to use three fingers on your trackpad and swipe with three fingers left or right to move between them. But a much easier way to do it is to use Control and right or left to quickly fly between these multiple desktops. Control up arrow takes me back here and I can click on Desktop 1 to go back to Desktop 1. So I can use Control up arrow to get here and then click on Desktop 2. I can switch between them by simply clicking on them. To add a second desktop all I need to do is click the Plus button here and it adds Desktop 2. Below I'll see all the windows in the desktop but kind of moved around so I can see them all clearly so they're not overlapping each other. If I move my cursor over it it will actually show me a small representation of the desktop. You can see at the top there I have one desktop. Mission Control gives you an overview of all your desktops. This brings you into a mode called Mission Control. The way to see your desktops is to use the keyboard shortcut Control up arrow. Other people call it Multiple Desktops or using many desktops. Now this feature is sometimes called Mission Control. But what I can do is get rid of this mess by using multiple desktops.

I have all these different windows open on this screen. You can use this to simulate having multiple displays and it could really help you clean up your workspace and be more efficient. It's particularly useful if you only have one screen like most MacBook or iMac users do. But a lot of Mac users don't know about this feature and they could really use it.

So one of the most powerful features of your Mac is the ability to have multiple desktops. Join us and get exclusive content and course discounts. There you could read more about the Patreon Campaign. MacMost is brought to you thanks to a great group of more than 700 supporters. Today let's talk about using multiple desktops on your Mac. Video Transcript: Hi, this is Gary with. Check out How To Use Multiple Desktops On Your Mac at YouTube for closed captioning and more options.