Personal files encrypted: Do not underestimate threats emanating from ransomware.Browser redirection: If your default browser is taking you to sites that you don’t want to go to, there is very good chance that your browser has been hijacked courtesy a virus.Click here to download antivirus.” You do that and just like that, you have downloaded a potent malware onto your system. You may also see a pop-up telling you “Your Mac is infected. Seeing programs you did not download: If you see new icons on your desktop for applications that you did not download, you have a potential unwanted program (PUP) infection on your hands.If your Mac is slowing down and you see no reason for this happening, there is a possibility that you have unknowingly installed malware on your system. Unexpected slowdown: This is a huge tell-tale sign.Pop-up ads will show up on screen, even when you are not browsing the internet. Ads and pop-ups: If you are seeing a lot of ads suddenly, there is very little doubt you have a virus on your hands.There are certain subtle changes that plant the seed of doubt in your mind that something seems off, like programs opening more slowly. What are the tell-tale signs of a virus?Īt a macro level, you may start noticing that your system is behaving oddly. But this doesn’t mean a Mac is the epitome of security. The chances of attackers exploiting hardware vulnerabilities to hack into a system is definitely lower as compared to Windows. Its closed system drives the belief that it is safe and secure. Apple exercises tight control over the hardware that runs MacOS. One of the reasons for panic or shock is that many Mac users still believe their machines are more secure than Windows and the chances of an infection getting through are few and far between. What do you do? There’s no need to hit the panic button, but many Mac users do.

You find yourself surprised that your Mac has a virus.